Open Solicitations
The following is a list of FHATA's upcoming bid and proposal opportunities. All dates and times are subject to change and FHATA reserves the right to cancel any solicitation at any time. All public events (bid openings and conferences) are held at FHATA, 5815 Marlatt Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66503 unless otherwise indicated.
In connection with carrying out a project, the Bidder shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or handicap, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended.. FHATA reserves the right to solicit or to waive a new solicitation, for new bids if sufficient effort, as determined by FHATA, has not been made to comply with the DBE goals and requirements set forth in a project. FHATA reserves the right to accept or to reject any and/or all bids, to re-advertise for bids and to waive any informality in any proposal and to determine the most responsive bid by its own criteria, as described within the specifications.
All prospective bidders should notify our procurement department (contact information below) their intent to bid, please be sure to indicate Bid #. Vendors may complete the Vendor Registration form here and submit via email. It is the bidder’s responsibility to check the website for any addendums and signature sheets prior to submitting their bids. FHATA will not be responsible for communicating with firms that do no not notify us of their interest in this solicitation.
All projects are funded in part by Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and/ or Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) grants, and are subject to certain FTA and KDOT certifications and regulations. All bidders (and subcontractors) must comply with all applicable regulations indicated in the Bid Manuals.
No person or entity submitting a proposal in response to a solicitation, nor any officer, employee, agent, representative, relative or consultant representing such a person (or entity) may contact through any means, or engage in any discussion concerning the evaluation and award of a procurement contract with any member of the FHATA’s Board of Directors or any employee of FHATA during the period beginning on the date of issue and ending on the date of the selection or award of contract. Any such contact would be grounds for disqualification of the proposer. Contact with FHATA Procurement Department staff during such time period must be limited to technical questions, and discussions leading to Best and Final Offers (BAFOs).
Contact Name: Melanie Tuttle, Finance Director
Office Phone: 785.537.6345
Direct: 913.738.4262
email: mtuttle@fhata.org
For information about our Bid Protest Policy, please visit the page linked below:
New Postings
FHATA will post new Bid Opportunities below as they come available. Please check back often and thank you for your interest in working with us.
Invitation to Bid (IFB): Vehicle Wrap and Installation Services
Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency (Owner) soliciting firm fixed bid proposal from qualified Vendors to acquire Vehicle Wrap and Installation Services for the FHATA Fleet.
Bid # FY25-1000-WRAPS
DBE Participation: There is no specific goal established. See DBE Policy here.
Advertisement for Bid:
Opportunity Type: Invitation to Bid
Contract Type: 3-Year Contract ( with 2 - 1-year renewals)
Issue Date: July 24, 2024
Closing Date and Time: August 23, 2024, 2:00 PM CST
Pre-bid conference: Not applicable
Location of Pre-bid Conference: Not applicable
Public Opening: August 23, 2024, 2:00 PM CST
Location of Public Bid Opening: Online Only Via TEAMS.
Microsoft Teams Click to JOIN Meeting
Meeting ID: 284 536 906 970
Passcode: vLcAXN
RFQ Documents:
Addendums or Additional Attachments:
Request for Proposal (RFP): Flint Hills Coordinated Transit Council (CTC #4) - Audit and Tax Services
CTC #4 is a soliciting firm fixed cost proposals for audit, tax and consulting services beginning with the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024 and 2025. FHATA is the Fiscal Administrator for CTC #4.
Bid# CTC-FY25-01-AS
DBE Participation: There is no specific goal established. See DBE Policy here.
Advertisement for Bid:
Opportunity Type: Request for Proposal
Contract Type: Annual Contract (with 1 year renewal)
Issue Date: July 9, 2024
Closing Date and Time: August 6, 2024, 2:00 PM CST
Pre-bid conference: Not applicable
Location of Pre-bid Conference: Not applicable
Public Opening: Not Applicable
RFQ Documents:
Addendums or Additional Attachments: