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Hoe te rijden?

Hier is een korte handleiding om u op weg te helpen met het rijden met de bus. U kunt uw reis plannen met behulp van onze Google Maps-reisplanner op de startpagina. Bekijk onze routes en dienstregelingen voor de volledige dienstregeling. Als u ooit hulp nodig heeft of hulp bij het plannen van uw reis, kunt u ons bellen op (785) 537-6345 toestel 2 , en ons team zal u helpen.

10 Easy Steps to Ride the Bus
  1. Using Google Maps, our Trip Planner on the home page, or the Transit app, locate the bus stop closest to you and closest to your destination.

  2. Determine what Route and what time the bus will arrive at your pick-up stop. Then plan for what time you need to get back on board once you are ready to come home.

  3. Purchase your fare ahead of time using the Transit app or at one of the locations that sell our passes! You can also pay exact cash.

  4. Arrive at your bus stop 5-10 minutes before the bus is expected to be there. The bus may run 5 or more minutes late. Use the Transit app to track where the bus is or text the number at the stop!

  5. Once the bus arrives, wait for passengers to deboard then get on! 

  6. Show the driver your pass or drop your fare in the fare box!

  7. Let the driver know if you are planning to transfer to a different route, and do forget, transfers are free!

  8. Sit back, relax, and respect other passengers as you ride!

  9. When the bus is a block away from your desired stop, pull gently on the stop request line located along the side walls of the bus to notify the driver that you are ready to get off.

  10. Safely exit the bus and continue about your day!


5815 Marlatt Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66003
(785) 537-6345

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