Board of Directors
The Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency (FHATA) plans, manages, and operates public transportation services within the Manhattan, Urbanized Area, Riley County, Pottawatomie County, and Geary County.
The Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency Inc. is a 501c3 private non-profit organization. It operates program services outside of the Manhattan, KS Urbanized Area, eligible for §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas granted to the Agency directly or indirectly by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Read more about this Board of Directors here.
The Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency Board is a legal public entity established by an Inter-local Agreement among the City of Manhattan, Riley County, Pottawatomie County, and Kansas State University. It operates program services within the Manhattan Urbanized Area, eligible for §5307 Formula Grants for Urbanized Areas granted to the Board directly or indirectly by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Learn more about this Board of Directors here.
The two boards have in place a shared services and joint operations agreement that provides guidance and conditions for sharing staff resources and assets; working cooperatively to achieve the shared mission and program goals and imperatives.
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